For many women, the decision to remove their breast implants is just as important as the decision to have breast implants in the first place. Breast implant removal surgery, also known as breast explant surgery, is a procedure where silicone or saline implants are extracted from the breasts.

At Sunnybank Surgical, we describe some of the benefits of breast implant removal to help you decide whether this surgery is right for you.

Why consider breast implant removal surgery?

There are many reasons that you might be considering having your breast implants removed. For some women, it can simply be a question of being unhappy with the appearance of your breast implants over time. For others, there are more serious medical considerations for having your breast implants removed.

Breast implants can cause issues if they are leaking silicone, have ruptured or become misshapen or firm (a condition known as capsular contracture). If you are worried any of these changes, you should see your GP to discuss your concerns. 

Other common reasons for removing breast implants include:  

  • You feel your breast implants no longer match your body shape, weight or lifestyle and you would prefer to have smaller breasts.

  • You have concerns over maintenance issues. Generally, breast implants should be replaced every 10 years.

  • You might be planning to fall pregnant and are concerned about your ability to breastfeed.

  • You have concerns about a problem that has developed with your breast implants – for example, if you have experienced a ruptured or deflated breast implant.

  • You might be feeling unwell and have concerns around Breast Implant Illness (BII) – an autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome linked to varied symptoms including joint and muscle pain, rashes and skin problems, anxiety and depression, headaches and hair loss.

  • You have concerns around Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) – a type of lymphoma that can develop around breast implants.

Whatever your reasons, personal or medical, the qualified specialist surgeons at Sunnybank Surgical can provide information about the procedure to allow you to make an informed decision about breast implant removal surgery.

What is involved in breast implant removal surgery?

Breast implant removal procedures are performed under a general anaesthetic, usually as a day surgery procedure. There are different techniques for removing breast implants, depending on your individual needs and concerns. Techniques include removal of the breast implant and removal of the capsule containing the implant (capsulectomy) to varying degrees. 

Simple breast implant removal

Removes the unwanted breast implant only. The capsule is left in place and will eventually shrink in size and be broken down by the body naturally.

Partial capsulectomy 

Removes the breast implant along with small portions of the capsule, usually to treat any misshapen areas (capsular contracture) or to provide a tissue sample for pathology.

Total capsulectomy

Removes the breast implant first, followed by the entire capsule either in one or multiple pieces depending on the ease of surgery.

En bloc capsulectomy

When the capsule is removed in one piece with the breast implant contained inside the capsule. This procedure is often requested to prevent further contamination of surrounding tissues during removal of intact or ruptured breast implants. This technique requires a longer procedure time and often results in more scarring and a higher risk of complications. It is not always possible due to the quality of the capsule and other factors. 

Implant removal at times may need to be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as a breast-lift to reshape your breast and avoid saggy breast or downwards pointing nipples.

What is the recovery from breast implant removal surgery?

Recovery from breast implant removal depends on the technique used, however, many women who have been experiencing pain or discomfort from implants say that they feel better immediately after their surgery.

While you’ll be impatient to get back to normal activity and any exercise routine, recovery takes time. Breast tissue will continue to heal for many weeks so it’s important to follow the recommendations regarding exercise and activity while your body recovers. Wearing a chest wall binder or a tight Lycra-like top would reduce the postoperative swelling and allow your body to heal more quickly.

What do breasts look like after breast implant removal surgery?

And finally, the big question. What will my breasts look like after breast implant removal surgery?

Results vary depending on the size and shape of your breasts before you had breast implants. In most cases, some sagging of the breast area may occur but many women say they feel liberated after removing their breast implants and just look forward to what lies ahead.


Breast Surgery

